As Ecologists, it’s difficult not to stop counting, especially when running and so we undertake daily wildlife surveys, rubbish transects, invasive species and road-kills counts. The data informs our mega transect. It is all added to our rapidly sprouting spread-sheets and shared with local and national interest groups, informs blogs and will be sent to various online biological data banks. But yesterday whilst running towards Lujan (c. 80 miles north of San Luis) we had the biggest shock yet. BIG is certainly apt. Never before have either of us seen such an ENORMOUS snake. A boa constrictor; over 1.8 m with a massive girth the size of a soup bowl! It was dead- such a shame we would have loved to have seen this stunning snake moving and alive- but the sight of it served to remind us just what friends are out there sharing the Argentine’s chaco with us…..!

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