A continent in stats

Running in cloud forest, near Catamarca, Argentina









  • First people to run the length of South America, unsupported (pulled a trailer with all kit & food)

  • Katharine is First woman to run the continent

  • Katharine completed 2nd longest run ever undertaken by a woman

  • First people to run  Amazon Basin

  • First people to run Bolivia

  • First people to run Carretera Austral, Chile

  • 6,504 miles

  • 15 months

  • Ran through 10 pairs of shoes each

  • 2/3 in Inov8 transition running shoes & 1/3 barefoot or in Vivobarefoot shoes

  • 1/3 on rough tracks

  • Averaged 20 miles/ day

  • Longest run- 36 miles

  • Ran equivalent of 9 marathons in 9 days in final burst to the finishing line

  • Tried to consume >4000cl each a day

  • Pulled a trailer weighing up to 140kg, which was swapped every 5 miles

  • Built 2nd trailer for a 400 mile remote Amazon section to accommodate additional 100kg of food

  • Presented to 2,583 students in Spanish and English about running & wildlife in South America & the UK

  • Wrote 35 articles and blogs about nature conservation & running for The Ecologist, Independent online, Soy Maratonista and Patagon Journal

  • Raised money for: Asociación Armonía, Birdlife International & Conservación Patagonica

  • Recorded 453 bird species and registered 6,154 individual birds, including many that are endangered.

    BUY the book from us in person from one of our events HERE .. or ONLINE HERE Thank you!

Carretera Austral, Chile

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