Running South America with my Husband and other animals is winging its way to book stores across the land now! We’ll be talking and selling/signing books throughout the UK over the following months and would love to see you. Events so far include: Rutland Birdfair– Saturday 19th August (0930) Rothbury Hall- Northumberland, Thursday 31st August …

Why did we Choose to Run South America?

We chose to run South America because we thought we might only be able to run such a very long way, 6504 miles, once in our lives. And in that case, it would have to be the most wildlife and plant rich place in the world. With the largest tropical rainforest, the biggest river, longest …

Q. What is the craziest animal you have ever seen?

Thanks Master Elithorn from Farnham for that question! Well, it´s good timing too, because we were running through Brazil the other day and what we saw blew our minds!!! A Giant Anteater! They live in all sorts of habitats but  in many places they are not doing well at the moment. It is easiest to …

A break from running; time to find our parrot

We have been unusually quiet over the last week. The reason is we took time out to learn more about the charity, Armonia,  we are jointly running for. If a picture speaks a thousand words, please enjoy a 29,000 word essay below, click the arrow on the gallery to begin playback. It has been an …

The Independent Blog: Roast Armadillo- A Recipe for Extinction?

Salta Province, northern Argentina. Two children stand by the side of the road. A silver car with blackened windows drives passed. The girls wave something at it. The car continues, but suddenly grinds to a halt and reverses. Three portly men in white trousers and shades, step out of the car to inspect what they’re …

Re-wilding of Valle Chacabuco

In just one morning, whilst heading out with Luigi to place a puma camera we recorded all these wonderful species  in Valle Chacabuco, Chile. Until 2004, the 78,000 ha estancia was being grazed to destruction by thousands of cattle and sheep. Conservacion Patagonica, our charity, is now restoring the area and native wildlife and plants …

So we thought we had it bad….!

We have just arrived into Valle Chacabuco, the area of  Patagonia we are raising money for, through our charity Conservacion Patagonica. Our first glimpse of this astounding mountainous landscape tells us just how much help folk here trying to restore this place are going to need – this is phenomenal! We were collected by pick-up off our route 11km …