SEPTEMBER 2013 DoNation Campaign Competition Launch!!!

CLICK TO PLAY THE SHORT VIDEO TO FIND OUT HOW! ( … and laugh at David in a his new “bananaman running outfit!!) For the whole month of September we will be asking for your help to raise a load of pledges for DoNation, the new fantastic way to support our expedition, and help motivate …

NO ENTRY- first time in over 5000 miles.

We were told not to run through the reserve, that the Indigenous people of the Waimiri Atroari Indian Reserve were hostile towards ‘white people’. That they had attacked people in the Reserve with bows and arrows. That they stole the passports and money of a party of people whom had walked into their forest and …

A simple solution to the monthly flow….

Every item in the running trailer (which we´ve pulled for over 5000 miles through snow, driving rain, clagging mud) is crucial. It could be no other way. Any superflous object means extra stess on our knees, joints, back. Especially scaling the Andes, or now in the Amazon basin running up and down, up and down, …

El Periodico `Independent´: Para una selva saludable, una receta tan simple que cabe en una nuez

Una nuez ovalada color chocolate. La nuez de Pará, o Coquito del Brasil para algunos. Una de las mejores nueces. Llena de proteínas, calcio, hierro, selenio y otra cantidad de riquezas, un mordisco cremoso y ya estás sirviéndote otra. Pero, espera un minuto. No pongas la mano en el bol todavía. Viajemos con esa nuez …

The Independent Blog: A recipe for a healthy rainforest in a nutshell

A chocolate-coloured, toe-shaped nut. The Brazil nut. One of the finest. Full of protein, calcium, iron, selenium and a whole host of other riches; one creamy crunch and you’re reaching for another. But hang on. Stop there. Your hand hovers over the bowl? It’s time to travel with that Brazil nut, to see life as …

Dear Mum and Dad

hi guys, in presedente figueiredo – a functional (horrid) little town!! anyway – thanks for sending parcel  – just checked, you wouldn´t believe it but they buggered up again (is it really a german company?!) – this time sent to the wrong facility in spain according to tracking. We have 3 more days running …